Monday, February 27, 2012

So, it's true what "they" say. Kind of...

I'd heard this little tidbit of info years ago about the proper ways to weigh yourself.  You should weigh yourself at the same time of day, on the same scale, wearing the same clothes, on the same day of the week.  I guess all of these factor into accurate weight measuring.  Makes sense - you want to have the most consistent results as possible.

We were able to visit my parents' house in Delaware this weekend when CSC and I went up to visit The Husband.  It's always nice to get to see my parents, and I am really looking forward to the time when we live much closer to them and can see them more often when we do - especially when it's near tax free shopping!  We went out to brunch Sunday morning and I forgot to weigh myself before we left.  I like to weigh myself before I've eaten anything - it's how I have always done it.  It think it's a superstition at this point.  Anyways, I ended up getting on the scale later that afternoon and was very upset to see the number on the scale read what it did.  It said I'd not only gained, but was very close to my starting weight.  WTF!  I got upset, and was getting discouraged.  Being in the house that we go to every year for July 4th and thinking of wearing bathing suits and skimpier clothing than sweaters and Uggs made me think back to the blog entry last summer after that annual trip to Delaware.  In that entry I reflect on my desire to lose all this weight that makes me unhappy and I even take a picture to visually document my starting point. Since then, it's been a struggle, for which I have no one to blame but myself.  I haven't lost the amount of weight I'd have liked, but I've still lost. And there's still time to lose a considerable amount by summer.

Be all that as it may, I decided to hop on the good ole Wii tonight after CSC went to bed to see if the number was still the same.  Totally expecting my weight to have gone up, imagine my surprise when not only had it NOT gone up, but I'd lost some weight since the last weigh in last Sunday!  Whoo hoo!

Current Stats:

Current weight: 181.4 lbs.

Loss/Gain: - 3.1 lbs.

Total loss to date: 9.4 lbs.

I don't feel as discouraged, and I plan on keeping it up.  I do NOT want to wear a mu mu this Summer!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hangin' with my mini me

So Little Bit had a temp yesterday afternoon and the school's policy is that they need to stay home and not have a fever (without the help of Tylenol) for 24 hours.  Needless to say, we were home today, and what a fine spring winter day it was with it reaching 70 degrees.  I cleaned out my car, folded some laundry that had been accumulating in a pile that rivaled a mountain, and created some 3D chalk art.  Crayola makes 3D sidewalk chalk that is awesome, but my new fav is their sidewalk crayons.  So much smoother when it comes to actually drawing on the sidewalk, rather than making random markings.  CSC enjoyed spending some time outside creating some very interesting works of art on our sidewalk.

Our art materials

An artist at work

The result of throwing the art materials on the ground

A satisfied artist

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Singleton, Weight Gain, and The Secret

Ok, so I have a much greater appreciation for the single mom.  Not that I didn't before, but since living the lifestyle for a few months since The Husband went to DC for his new job, all I can say is, it ain't no joke parenting on your own.  Granted, we do try and see each other, but it's not as frequently as either of us would like.  Eventually, we'll be reunited under one roof again and that's the thought I hold on to.

As for my weight...HA!  It's been fluctuating the same 5 lbs for a few weeks now.  I hopped on the scale this morning hoping to see that I had lost since we took the middle school to the land lab this week and the amount of calories burned is crazy.  What's always funny is the amount of food you eat because you're burning all those calories, especially on the last day when you have been busting your ass for a week outside and are tired and you have to pack up all the gear and leave.  I thought for sure the 3 consecutive creek walks I did on Friday would have counted for something, but sadly, no.  I didn't weigh in last weekend because we were traveling back from DC and I always weigh in the morning on Sundays.  I didn't want the weigh-in to be inaccurate.

Here's this week:

Weigh in: 184.5 lbs.

Loss/Gain: + 2 lbs.

Total loss since start: -6.3

I was watching this info-mercial about Zumba this morning while I was getting CSC's breakfast together.  I've tried Zumba before and liked it - in a masochistic sort of way.  All of my g/f who do it love it and are in great shape, so perhaps the torture exercise is beneficial.  I have to do something and soon before I find my self on the show My 600 lb Life.

In other news, I watched the documentary The Secret last night because I'd always been curious about the hype surrounding the book.  I heard it basically talked about the power of positive thinking, but it was so much more than that.  This concept deals with the law of attraction and how "like attracts like".  I'm simplifying it, but it was really cool to hear the connection to science and theology.  As a matter of fact, religion and science are more connected than one would think.  Rather than do The Secret injustice with an infantile explanation, I suggest you view the documentary and/or read the book.  You honestly have nothing to lose.  Except your negative attitude. ;)
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