Friday, January 4, 2013

Drunk Mom New Year's Eve 2012

It all started last year - the first year The Husband and I didn't spend New Year's Eve together since we've known each other because he moved to DC. So I did what any normal girl would do...I called the BFF and asked her to come over for what would be an epic night that would forever after be known as Drunk Mom NewYear's Eve ©This year, we did a little something extra besides the drink of the night (Pomosas - pomegranate juice and champagne), drinking game for MTV, and gorging on junk food.  We decided to film the evening AND watch Magic Mike while commentating! Now, we get more hilarious as the evening progresses and becomes full blown Drunk Mom New Year's Eve © - at least we thought we were funny and that's all that matters.  ;)
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