Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gettin' Skinny is a habit...get like me

It's been a few days since I've blogged so I figure I'd better get at it before more time passes.  That's the thing that I've noticed about committing to things - making them a habit is a hell of a lot harder than doing them once they are habit.  Take for example exercising.  When I was at my skinniest, I worked out at the gym once a week.  Granted that wasn't that often, but come on!  I was 23!  Regardless of what I was doing, when it was time for that body sculpting class, you bet your ass I was there.  Same thing with WW - once I get into the habit of journaling what I eat, it becomes second nature.  Good news is, I'm back on track with writing what I eat down.  I started this week like an alcoholic - one moment at a time.  To be technical, that's what WW is: AA for fat people.  So I said to myself: "Self, today you are going to write down everything you eat or drink in your WW journal."  But I responded back: "But self, that's such a pain in the ass and I really really need to get on Facebook."  So, after I acknowledged my schizophrenia, I figured I'd take it down even further and just go by one meal at a time.  So far, so good.  I have been writing down everything I've eaten in the past 4 days.  It's not hard either, I have a WW online subscription, and the app on my phone, so it really is ridiculously easy.  I'm actually looking forward to stepping on the scale at the end of the week to see what my weight loss is.

In other more fabulous news!  My beautiful, wonderful, genius daughter did TWO amazing things in the span of 48 hours.  First, at her gym class yesterday the skill of the week involved the kids hanging from a horizontal bar and working towards swinging from said bar sans parent aid.  Well, this one little girl (who I might add looked like she should have been in the next age group up like 4 months ago) was totally bogarting the one side of the bar while the rest of us were standing in line waiting our turn.  She was hanging and swinging and looking like she was about to perform a friggin' routine.  Well, the last time we were at the class, CSC didn't really even grip the bar, let alone hang from it.  Well, my competitive nature flared up and I whispered to CSC: "That girl is going to be competing with you to be on the 2024 Olympic gymnastics team.  What are you going to do about it?"  Well, I shit you not, my child not only hung on to the bar, but did it BY HERSELF, and attempted to swing slightly.  This after her improved balance beam skills and her ever popular forward rolls.  I think I also saw CSC flip the other little girl off, but I'm not positive. ;) 

Another, even more exciting fact is that she actually took some unassisted steps tonight!  I have been panicked slightly about when she'll walk.  She walks really well when holding on to someone's hand, but will not walk on  her own.  Well, The Husband and I have been practicing with her and tonight she did it!  I'm guessing by the end of the month, she'll be cruising around and I'll be wishing she was back to crawling, but at least I'll know my child is not a freak.

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