Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday afternoon nom noms

So I've been living on Pinterest pretty much since I was sent an invite to check it out.  There are so many ideas I've pinned, but haven't tried.  I decided to end that streak today. Why you ask?  Because in the grand scheme of my life, I'm procrastinating doing what I should do - i.e. cleaning off what The Husband calls "Aimee Central" from the dining room table.

I decided to start small today and figured I'd try the mozzarella, pesto, and tomato grilled cheese sandwich I pinned to my food and drink board.

The necessary ingredients
You'll need:
  • slices of mozzarella cheese
  • 2 slices of bread (I know I have white bread there, rather than some good bread - it was on sale, so sue me!)
  • sliced Roma tomatoes
  • pesto - you can buy it or make it
Drizzle a little olive oil in the pan 
Spread one side of the bread with pesto, add the tomato slices (sprinkle with a little salt and pepper), and the cheese.  Add the other slice of bread and set the stove to medium heat.

If you don't have a panini maker, you can simply use another pan to flatten the 2 slices of bread. Flip the sandwich and add the other pan to flatten.

Ok, so it came out a little crispier than I'd planned, but for my 1st attempt at "gourmet" sandwich, overall, not bad.  It was tasty and the sea salt and cracked pepper kettle chips went well.

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