Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Couple things I need to vent about and get off my chest....

First off, I am ridiculously depressed that the school year is right around the corner.  Honestly, students haven't a clue how much teachers dread the start of school.  This year for me it's different and I honestly didn't expect it to be.  I thought last year would have been harder: I had been off of school on maternity leave since April, I had a brand new baby...But this year is WAY harder.  I am actually having anxiety about it.  I'm thinking I need a break from teaching - just for a little bit.  Since I've already signed my contract for this upcoming school year, I'm obviously going to see that through, but I'm seriously going to try to find something online where I can work from home.

Next thing on my vent list is this: why is it people think they have the right to ask the question "so when are you going have kids/another kid?"  Is it their business? NO!  Honestly, for me, I don't want anymore.  I had a rough time of it pregnant, had to go on bed rest the last month due to hypertension, was scheduled to be induced, which resulted in a c-section, and that's just the short version.  Am I happy to have my beautiful daughter? Absolutely!  But knowing that the likelihood of a repeat pregnancy and delivery is high, it's not worth it to put my body at risk just to have another child.  Raising a child is hard and I cannot imagine doing it with two!  I give my friends with multiple children much props because I don't know how they do it.  Some people would say my desire to only have one for the reasons I've listed is selfish.  On the contrary, I think it's responsible and unselfish.  I understand the hard work that goes into raising a child and the pressures it can put on a marriage.  Having a child just to have another one, or because you think that's what you're supposed to do, rather than having another child because you want to raise another human being is selfish.  I just wish people would mind their business and quit discussing the current or future status of my uterus!

Finally, because there is much damage than can be done by putting ideas and opinions out on the internet, I choose to be vague here.  If someone has a problem with something I've said or done, then he/she needs to confront me to my face.  I think it's a pretty chicken shit move to talk about me behind my back about something that was a vent that happened MONTHS ago.  More and more lately, I have been having signs loud and clear that I need to have a major change happen in my life.  I will continue to pray about what that change should be and how I should go about implementing it.


  1. I can realte to so much of your post. I am a teacher too with an 18mth old and am working part time. It is hard. Last year when I went back to work it was towards the end of the year and I just kind of cruised along. Now there is so much more responsibility. I love teaching but am really finding that the effort, long hours, work on days off and just general crap that you have to put up with is wearing thin on me. I have been getting the when are you having number 2 as well. Like it is any of their business!

  2. I have been getting a lot of signs that it's time to change my life too. The only advice I can give you, is that when the universe speaks, you better listen, girl! And if you're not clear on what it's saying, just ask! Keep doing you and keep focusing on your wonderful family. Don't worry about what anyone else has to say.


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