Now with men, it's much simpler. If there is a celebrity female they are nutting over, all that happens is they maybe pay a little closer attention to the tv when she comes on, or perhaps a magazine gets a little, um, "loved" and left in the bathroom or on the nightstand by the bed. There's no screaming, certainly no crying, and God forbid, any throwing of themselves. As a matter of fact, if the woman they desire happens to be a singer, do they attend her concert? No, unless their wives or girlfriends are dragging them. And they act pained to be at said concert.
There was always this tradition in my sorority towards the end of the year, we'd get a male stripper. It was somewhat of a running joke, but it was always fun. The sisters who got really into it, would get all over this poor guy. I've been to other places where there is a male stripper and the guy practically gets raped by the women there. Now, go to a strip club where the dancers are women and the main patrons are men and you will see a whole different scenario. The men play it cool. They simply approach the stage when they feel like it, give the girl a dollar after she shakes her ass in their face, and sit back down. Even when getting a lap dance, the expression men have on their faces easily resembles the same expression they have when watching tv. Complete poker face.
Going back to my boy band obsession....those guys knew Saturday night that if they wanted to get laid, all they had to do was point to the girl of their choice and go from there. They also knew they were in complete control of the situation because they knew they were hot because of all the women giving the same screaming/crying/falling down reactions. Whereas, were it the other way around, I'm not so sure the female celebrity would be so cocky. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong, but what I know for sure is this: do NOT get in the way of a women who is throwing herself at her celebrity boy toy du jour or you are liable to get seriously injured.
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