Friday, July 23, 2010

Staying cool in Africa heat

One of the good things about my husband's job is that he can usually get us into some cool places for free.  We've seen both of the local minor league baseball teams play several times this season.  Today, we are going to a local water park and I am paranoid we are going to come back with a fungus.

Now, I don't trust The Husbadn not to pee in a pool instead of going to the bathroom, so why should I trust hundreds of strangers?  I am a germ-a-phobe and I just think those places breed disease.  I'm sure I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill since if that was the case, the health department would shut them down.....right?  Right???

The reason I'm saying we'll go is because it is friggin' HOT out!  And not the kind of hot where in the shade is ok....I'm talking this must be the temperature of Hell.  In fact, Hell might be a little cooler, I'm not sure.  Hence why I said ok to the water park and my husband called in a favor and got us free tickets.  Hopefully, this should at least cool us off a little.

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