Friday, January 16, 2015

I'm a majestic unicorn

As a mental health patient, I need to see both a therapist and a psychiatrist regularly in order to maintain good mental health - much in the same way diabetics or heart patients needs to see their specialists.  Well, I went to see my psychiatrist today and discovered that I am quite the unique individual.

So, I mentioned to her that I picked up this book about bipolar 2 disorder so that I may continue to expand my knowledge and know how to manage my symptoms.  What pissed me off, and I shared this with her, was that the hypomania addressed in the book was specific to that of elation and euphoria.  Well, kids, I can tell you that is not the only kind of hypomania.  I wish I was "blessed" in that way, but I'm not.  Wanna know what happens to me? Do ya, do ya?

When I have a hypomanic episode, I become aggressive and irritated and angry.  Not the kind of irritated you get when you're headed to the grocery store and you left your list at home.  I'm talking the kind of irritated that makes you yell and scream at those you love because you have zero patience.     For my anger - you know how some people say they have a "short fuse" for a temper?  For me, in a hypomanic state, that fuse isn't short.  It's nonexistent.  It means that when my daughter asks me a simple question, I will reply by yelling, using inappropriate language, and sometimes telling her to go away and leave me alone.  I don't want to say more because I don't need social services coming to my home.  Now for my aggression, fortunately, it hasn't escalated to physical violence yet, but I can feel it under the surface.  Right now, all I've done is a door slam or throwing a small object across the room.  If I ever get off the meds that control my mood....I can easily see myself getting thisclose to pulling a Teresa and flipping a table.  Literally.  Or worse.

I asked my doctor about support groups, which are out there, but they will usually address topics universally and, in the case of hypomania, it will be focused on the euphoria.  So I'm pretty much SOL.  In response to this, I told her that if anything came across her desk in the way of support groups for the rare ones like me, or if a doctor wanted to "study" me to get more information and learn more, I'm all for it.  Not only do I want help for myself, but it's super important to me for there to be help for others.  I know what it's like to not have it, and it sucks.  Having the right kind of help can make the difference between life and death.  Literally.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 > 2014

For me, 2014 started off not so great.  I was in denial, though, since the year started with my birthday month and I kind of look at that as my "New Year," plus it's hard for me to be negative when it's my personal holiday.  As the year went on, it sucked more and more.  Some of the biggest life challenges I have ever had took place in the first half of the year.  Things started turning around after that, and the year ended much better than it started, but I have "2015" thoughts moving forward:

2 things I learned this past year:

1) One of the most important and effective things to gaining and maintaining positivity is to live in the moment and enjoy what is in front of you.  The past is gone and you can only plan so much for the future.  Anyone who knows me is aware of my OCD when it comes to planning things out and knowing my options; that lovely quality will never cease, but instead of ignoring and missing out on the wonderful people, moments, and accomplishments in front of me, I am making the conscious decision to enjoy them when they are right in front of me.

2) Just when I thought I had a hold on what I knew, I was wrong.  I thought I knew what mental illness I had.  I thought I would never find a job in this area that I loved as much as the one I left in NC.  I thought my marriage was always going to be the cliché.  I thought I had lost certain important people in my life.  I thought I wouldn't find people I could think of as good friends like the ones I left behind when I moved.  I thought I was a selfish bitch.  I thought I wouldn't feel happy about my body.  I thought I was always going to be about 20-30% shy of complete happiness.  I was wrong about all of them.

0 in on one thing to improve this upcoming year:

I would like to focus this year on our family budget.  I'm the one who will open up the spreadsheet and calculate the month's bills to see what's happening with our money. There are always months where we feel like ballers and months when we think we may have to select which cardboard box we'll move to.  I'm tired of that shit.  I see all these things out there, from people I personally know, about how they saved X amount or payed down X amount of debt.  I want that to be me.

1 thing I hope to learn:

I hope to continue to learn more about myself as a person.  The older I get, the more I recognize qualities about myself, many of which I like.

5 things that give me hope for the new year:

1) Love
2) Knowledge
3) Friendship
4) Faith
5) Inner Strength

Boo ya, bitches!
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