I've decided to create this because there is much that has pissed me off recently and I feel the need to vent. Enjoy.
In no particular order:
1. People who do not RSVP to a party you are throwing even though you request a response. Seriously, I don't give a shit why you can't come - just let me know not to expect you! Or, if you are coming, let me know! I'm planning on making food and various other creature comforts available and I certainly don't do it with the aid of a magic genie. I think it's passive aggressive to not let a host know your plans on coming or not.
2. People who don't go immediately when the light turns green. Really? Are you checking the color? There are people waiting on your slow ass to go. It's even worse if the light is a quick one and you've already been waiting. Don't get me started on the ass clowns who are too busy on their damn cell phones to pay attention to what's going on.
3. People who claim to be your friend, but can't seem to find 5 minutes out of their precious lives to call/email/text you back. I have a busy life too, but I make sure to do the occasional Facebook post, text, whatnot to let people I consider important know I'm thinking of them and wish them well. If the lack of contact is due to something I've done - tell me what it is so I don't do it! And especially don't apologize profusely and offer up lame ass reasons why you don't make any sort of effort to keep in touch. I don't care....just keep in touch, or end the friendship so I can stop considering you important.
4. People who focus too much on what is not important and not enough on what is. We are in the gift giving season and I am appalled - at best - at how commercialized the holidays have become. Do we really need to decorate for Christmas at the same time has Halloween???? Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. It's one of my favorite holidays, but is it really necessary to bastardize it? What are we teaching our kids about what is important this time of year? Oh, and I don't say "Merry Christmas"...I'm a "Happy Holidays" gal. Before you bombard me with "Jesus is the Reason for the Season" allow me to explain. There are tons of people on this planet who do not celebrate this holiday for a sundry of reasons. It is not even close to my place to judge why. Beyond that, several holidays happen this time of year, so I choose to bunch them all together. It is MY choice to do so. It does not make me a bad Christian or forget the "Reason for the Season". What would make me a bad Christian is judging the people who attack those who don't say "Merry Christmas". Want to know what's important? Being nice to people. Helping those who are struggling. Not judging a person's circumstance. Doing the right thing. Want to know what's not important? Buying an ass-load of presents for someone because it's "that time of year" or because it makes YOU happy/feel better/etc. Things are not love or memories.
5. People who refuse to believe their child is incapable of doing anything wrong. Unfortunately, I see this quite often. What happened to the days when I was growing up and if I got in trouble, my mother would immediately side with the other adult? If I hear my child has done something, you best believe that I am not automatically siding with her - quite the opposite. The world is filled with enough assholes, so why would you want to add to that population? Often times after seeing the parents, I understand why the children act the way they do. Children learn what they live, you fucktards.
6. People, specifically celebrities, who make the standard and expectations impossible to reach. I recently
read an article that highlighted the drastic levels magazines are going to with photoshop to, quite literally, reinvent a new person using an already pretty perfect celebrity as a base to start. It's disgusting. I'm not even going to comment on what it's doing to young girls who naturally hate something about their own bodies, but what about grown women who have had all their adolescence to beat themselves up only to have women in their own generation showing what's "possible" if you simply "work hard enough". Fuck you. And don't you dare try to cover it up by talking about being healthy. There is nothing healthy about being anorexicly thin and the mental abuse it puts women - and some men - through.
7. People who are not celebrities, but rather overachievers and making the rest of us look lazy. I've recently become addicted/obsessed with this
blog in which she frequently makes mention of Over Achieving Moms or OAMs. These are the women who always have the crafts you only see on Pinterest done perfectly. They are the ones who always have the beautifully homemade Halloween costumes that rival what you could purchase in the store. It's great that you have the time to do all of these wonderful things for your children, but be honest with the rest of us....you're secretly drinking your boxed wine while hiding in the closet sometimes, aren't you?
8. People who don't hold the door when either your hands are full and/or right behind them trying to walk through it. Really? Living in a high-rise offers lots of opportunities for such behavior to happen. Stop being so damn rude. And don't try to act like that half-assed door push can even qualify as a door hold. The best is when this happens at the door to the hallway that leads to the elevators and I catch up with the douche who let the door slam in my face. I just use the opportunity I have to stare at him like this:

9. Going off of #8: People who run you over in the metro station because they don't want to miss their train that's coming in 10 more minutes. Good thing you made it to that section of the platform to wait for the train to arrive. My husband has actually done the following: stood obnoxiously close to them while they are waiting for the train, given them the "look" as pictured above, followed them on the train to stand obnoxiously close to them while giving them the "look", actually said to the person "Good thing you ran for that train. There's no way you could have made it."
9b. Tourists.
10. People who take things too seriously. Lighten up! Why are you so consumed with pointing out "facts" about how someone else's opinion is "wrong"? These are the same people who take offense to every.little.thing. Some things are offensive, but not everything. Let it go. You waste too much time and energy being so angry towards other people. Do yourselves a favor and go see someone about the incredibly large stick protruding from your ass.

*Side note: I am planning on a "re-tool" of my blog since there are many things I want to write about that are not necessarily connected to my desire to not be a fat ass lose weight. I've been inspired by that commercial that asks people what they would do if they didn't need to earn money to do it. After thinking long and hard, and realizing that drinking wine and "pinning" are not realistic, I would like to focus on writing. I'm not sure what I will write that I would like to actually be published for the masses to read, but perhaps I'll figure it out.