Ok, so you're probably thinking to yourself, "Aimee, what is up with the title of this post? Is the blonde dye for your highlights going to your brain; it's not Friday, it's Sunday." I'm fully aware of the date, and that is exactly why I'm posting what I am with the title that I did. To most, "T.G.I.F." stands for "Thank God it's Friday". For me, it stands for Thank God it's Fall. Whenever anyone asks me what my favorite season is, I always have to think long and hard. I automatically write off Summer as a no because I can't stand the heat that comes with that time of year. If it wasn't for the time off of school, I could do without Summer. Yes, I like going to the beach and the pool when they are available, but if Summer was gone forever, I wouldn't cry. I adore Winter, but when the weather gets to the point where everything is frozen and it takes 30 minutes to defrost your car, I'm over it. But ask any teacher and he/she will tell you that with Winter comes the opportunity for snow days, and NO ONE looks forward to snow days more than teachers. Sorry, kiddos, but it's a fact!
So, that brings us to Spring and Fall - both of which I really enjoy. That first change in the weather from what you've been used to. Those first few days when wearing jeans and a short sleeved t-shirt is the perfect outfit. How you can have the windows down in your car, and it's not too hot or too cold. After thinking about it, I remembered how every Spring, my allergies come back with a vengeance and that sucks - ask anyone who would cut a bitch for a Claritin. And that leaves me with Fall. I LOVE Fall. I love how the air becomes more crisp. I love the smell in the air that comes from people lighting fires at night. I love all that comes with it, and I thought I'd break it down. In no particular order:
1) Football Season!
Now there might be some fellow wives/moms who are thinking I'm a traitor to our group, but hear me out. For those of you who have never sat down and truly watched a game of football, learned the rules, understood how the game works, you are missing out! There was a time when I could not have cared less about football. There was a time, before the Pro Bowl came before the Superbowl, when my Superbowl Sunday would occasionally fall on my birthday and I was completely forgotten about. And if you know me and how much of a Diva I am, that attitude did NOT fly. I would go to Superbowl parties in college and decide which team I was going to cheer for based on their mascot, or what color their uniforms were, or where they were from. It was never a choice based on loyalty. After college, I would watch games from time to time and go with whatever team the guy I was dating supported. Now, my dad is a die hard Chicago Bears fan. That team was always on my radar, but since I wasn't into football yet, I didn't give it much thought until about 6 or so years ago. The Bears were getting ready to play the Colts in the Superbowl and my attention was grabbed. I pulled out my Urlacher jersey from the closet and went with The Husband to the local Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the game. From that point, I was hooked. I actually spent the time to watch the game and learn aspects about it I didn't realize. Now, I look forward to Sunday afternoons and am teaching CSC the importance of loving the Chicago Bears and the game of football from an early age.
2) Fall festivals and activities
There is nothing like a good Fall festival. Games, food, good times with great people. When I was growing up, we had the annual Harvest Festival. It was awesome! There were tons of rides and games, great food, and something everyone looked forward to every year. And let's not forget the super fun activities reserved only for the Fall season: pumpkin picking, Oktoberfest, trick-or-treating, Halloween costumes, drinking hot apple cider, hayrides, chilling around a fire pit with great friends and family, sleeping with the windows open and needing that one extra blanket. - Think the opening of Sex and the City - "I heart NY" episode
3) Sweaters, jeans, and Uggs
I used to HATE Uggs because I thought they were ugly. But then I drank the Kool-aid and fell in love. I love when I can check the weather and see it's going to be a little chilly that day. Not cold enough to bust out the winter coat, but just enough to dress in layers and know that slipping into those comfortable Uggs will be nice and cozy and perfect.
Not that I have a ton of time to watch TV. I usually just let my DVR record the episodes and when CSC goes to bed on a Friday or Saturday night, I'll catch up on what I missed. My heart is broken that there will be no House this season, but I'm psyched about Parenthood and the new NBC and Fox shows that are coming.
5) That Fall smell in the air
I don't know what it is, but there is a distinct, familiar, crisp smell that comes into the air as soon as the calendar indicates Summer has turned into Fall. It's the smell of bonfires at night, cooler temperatures, falling leaves. That smell can bring a smile to my face every time.
6) Pumpkin Picking
It's the best when you find that perfect pumpkin sitting in the patch. The perfect size for carving or decorating. It's also interesting to see what other people consider to be the perfect pumpkin. Thanks to Pinterest, this year I'm hoping to have a super cute pumpkin display for my porch.
So, that brings us to Spring and Fall - both of which I really enjoy. That first change in the weather from what you've been used to. Those first few days when wearing jeans and a short sleeved t-shirt is the perfect outfit. How you can have the windows down in your car, and it's not too hot or too cold. After thinking about it, I remembered how every Spring, my allergies come back with a vengeance and that sucks - ask anyone who would cut a bitch for a Claritin. And that leaves me with Fall. I LOVE Fall. I love how the air becomes more crisp. I love the smell in the air that comes from people lighting fires at night. I love all that comes with it, and I thought I'd break it down. In no particular order:
1) Football Season!

2) Fall festivals and activities

3) Sweaters, jeans, and Uggs
I used to HATE Uggs because I thought they were ugly. But then I drank the Kool-aid and fell in love. I love when I can check the weather and see it's going to be a little chilly that day. Not cold enough to bust out the winter coat, but just enough to dress in layers and know that slipping into those comfortable Uggs will be nice and cozy and perfect.
4) New episodes of my favorite TV shows

5) That Fall smell in the air
I don't know what it is, but there is a distinct, familiar, crisp smell that comes into the air as soon as the calendar indicates Summer has turned into Fall. It's the smell of bonfires at night, cooler temperatures, falling leaves. That smell can bring a smile to my face every time.
6) Pumpkin Picking
It's the best when you find that perfect pumpkin sitting in the patch. The perfect size for carving or decorating. It's also interesting to see what other people consider to be the perfect pumpkin. Thanks to Pinterest, this year I'm hoping to have a super cute pumpkin display for my porch.
7) Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte
'Nuff said.
On a weight loss/heath note...I'm still doing Paleo and feeling better overall. I'm down a pants size and a half, and I notice that, even without any sort of regular exercise, I'm trimming down in areas I didn't think possible without major exercise. It also feels good knowing that I'm eating more natural foods, staying away from sugars (which new research is showing a link to many preventable diseases, not just diabetes), and not eating as much chemically processed food.