It's that magical time of year again. The time of year when you see those special ads and deals, and stores prepare for the onslaught of customers looking for that "just right" item. Happy shoppers pushing their full carts thought parking lots to load up their cars with bags upon bags of purchases. No, I'm not talking about's back to school time! That wonderful time when school supplies are discounted and the "great" state of NC brings the oh-so-wonderful "Tax Free Weekend" for clothes and office supplies. It's that time when parents are jumping for joy looking at teachers with that "Tag, you're it!" look on their faces. Some parents even realize, after having their blessed children for the summer, that hey, teachers aren't paid enough. But I digress....
For me, it's that time of year when my life becomes uber - chaotic and I feel as though I have no time. And I don't just mean time for myself, I literally mean no time. It's like the 24 hours of the day are on fast forward and the day is over almost as soon as it begins, and I'm left feeling like I didn't do anything I needed to do that day. Not to mention that it feels like I drop off the face of the planet since I don't have time to Facebook, tweet, or blog as often as I'd like or can. It's also harder being a "single mom" with The Husband in DC and me and CSC here. Granted, it will be nice to have us all under one roof again, but it will be very sad for me to leave what is definitely the best job I've ever had. I just have to trust that while this is good, there is something even better waiting for me. Damn, that is hard to do....
As for my Paleo lifestyle, I have been doing fairly well adjusting my eating choices, and my nutritionist was right - it gets easier the longer you eat this way. I don't crave carbs and sweets like I used to, and when I do eat them, I enjoy them but I don't feel the need to overindulge. It helps knowing how the body processes the food you eat. I have another official weigh-in before my pre-paid visits come to an end, but as of the last visit, I have lost a total of 10.5 lbs., about 10% body fat, and a few points off my BMI. I feel great, and I'm finding more and more resources online about easy ways to incorporate Paleo into your life. My next step is to bring TH and CSC along for the healthy ride. We'll see how successful I become.
Since it is the start of the 2012 - 2013 school year, I will be ridiculously busy and the time between blogs will be lengthy. But I am still here and will do the best I can to write about the crazy antics my life brings.

For me, it's that time of year when my life becomes uber - chaotic and I feel as though I have no time. And I don't just mean time for myself, I literally mean no time. It's like the 24 hours of the day are on fast forward and the day is over almost as soon as it begins, and I'm left feeling like I didn't do anything I needed to do that day. Not to mention that it feels like I drop off the face of the planet since I don't have time to Facebook, tweet, or blog as often as I'd like or can. It's also harder being a "single mom" with The Husband in DC and me and CSC here. Granted, it will be nice to have us all under one roof again, but it will be very sad for me to leave what is definitely the best job I've ever had. I just have to trust that while this is good, there is something even better waiting for me. Damn, that is hard to do....
As for my Paleo lifestyle, I have been doing fairly well adjusting my eating choices, and my nutritionist was right - it gets easier the longer you eat this way. I don't crave carbs and sweets like I used to, and when I do eat them, I enjoy them but I don't feel the need to overindulge. It helps knowing how the body processes the food you eat. I have another official weigh-in before my pre-paid visits come to an end, but as of the last visit, I have lost a total of 10.5 lbs., about 10% body fat, and a few points off my BMI. I feel great, and I'm finding more and more resources online about easy ways to incorporate Paleo into your life. My next step is to bring TH and CSC along for the healthy ride. We'll see how successful I become.
Since it is the start of the 2012 - 2013 school year, I will be ridiculously busy and the time between blogs will be lengthy. But I am still here and will do the best I can to write about the crazy antics my life brings.