Two postings in one day! I need to stop procrastinating and do what I need to do around the house. I just thought I'd post a general blog since I have had the most tremendous week last week. It's been no secret that I have been trying to find something that renews my love of teaching because it's just been a total drain on my system. Well, the one thing that you won't hear me talk about is religion. I don't throw my beliefs in the face of others because I don't feel I need to do that. I will say that I pray every day, sometimes many times a day. I have been praying, and asking others to pray too, for me to get a job that is in the best interest of my family and that also reminds me why I started teaching in the first place.
On a whim, I contacted the director of admissions at the school we are sending CSC to. At this point, I wasn't even necessarily looking to teach, but perhaps have the opportunity to work where CSC was going to school. My resume was passed along. I thought I'd get the standard: "Thanks for your interest. We have no positions available at this time, but we'll keep your resume on file and contact you should anything open up." Imagine my shock when I was called the very next day to schedule a time to interview with the head of school regarding a possible job because he was impressed with my career history! It's always nice to hear all the hard work you've done has not gone unnoticed. I met with the head of school, asst. head of school, and the curriculum director two days later for a 2 hour interview! It was mutual love at first sight and we talked about curriculum and teaching AND the
hero's journey! About 10 minutes after I got home from the interview, I get a call from the head of school asking for references! Good sign. I give a heads up to the folks who will be getting a call, and the next morning I get a phone call from the school offering me the job as the middle school Language Arts teacher! Holy shit! Prayers answered!!! Score!!!
The rest of Friday was spent running around quitting my other job!!! EXCITING! As a special treat, we went out to dinner to celebrate. Overall great day!

There is one thing I would like to address that was brought to my attention in my running around on Friday. As stated in previous blogs, I prefer to be vague when it comes to certain issues because people like to gossip. I'm not interested in "starting shit" with my blog. That's not its purpose. I started this blog to chronicle my weight loss post-baby. As a matter of fact, I didn't even start publicizing it until recently because it was mostly going to be for my benefit. Evidently, the original title of my blog (which has been changed if you haven't noticed) was called into question by some people who felt it was their responsibility to "share" this information with others in a way that could have been damaging to me. Bottom line, some people were trying to make the former title of my blog into an issue worthy of questioning my character...which it's not. If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know that there is nothing I write about that is bad - I write mostly about wanting to be skinny! I write with humor and sarcasm laced with the occasional profane word. Because of this, I put a warning prior to reading the blog. That way, should people be easily offended by humor and sarcasm and the "F word", THEY DON'T NEED TO CONTINUE READING! What kills me even more is that these people had the opportunity to easily talk directly to ME with their concerns. To this I say: find your spine and come to me.
There are three things in my life that if you mess with, I will come after you: my family, my friends, and my career. I could understand if I was writing about something that was inappropriate, but I'm not. I liked the title of my blog because it was cute and catchy. Be that as it may, since I am in education and if you read
various articles you can read about how teachers get fired because of things they write. Granted some of them were stupid and shouldn't have posted what they did, but it's not fair how once someone decides to become a teacher he/she becomes "special" and is no longer allowed to be human. Having said that, I mentioned earlier in this blog that it feels good when someone recognizes the hard work you've done in your career. Personally, I have busted my ass for the past 10 years to build my career to where it is. This is not the first time someone has come along and tried to mess with it. I don't understand why, but I guess some people need to do something to make themselves feel better. I know I'm a good person and I know I'm a great teacher. So to all those who feel the need to try to bring me down, I say this: